Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Shiloh marine

My spring break was lame and oh so boring
oh i wish i had gone and fished for trout
"sigh" but I was much to busy snoring. 
I listened to my brother scream and shout
It wasn't even peaceful at my home.
I only went out a couple of times 
and i had no plans so I had to roam. 
At least i`m good at coming up with rhymes 
Oh why didn't I just go out and play
then i would have something to write about
and my spring break could have been bright and gay.
now my tears come out like a water spout.
Now I have to wait for the next spring break 
and the fun that ill have will not be fake.
Shiloh marine

I love to walk I love to talk in nature
I love to lay I love to stray in nature
I love to run and when i`m done in nature
I go back home and think of all the fun I had
In nature