Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Shiloh marine

My spring break was lame and oh so boring
oh i wish i had gone and fished for trout
"sigh" but I was much to busy snoring. 
I listened to my brother scream and shout
It wasn't even peaceful at my home.
I only went out a couple of times 
and i had no plans so I had to roam. 
At least i`m good at coming up with rhymes 
Oh why didn't I just go out and play
then i would have something to write about
and my spring break could have been bright and gay.
now my tears come out like a water spout.
Now I have to wait for the next spring break 
and the fun that ill have will not be fake.
Shiloh marine

I love to walk I love to talk in nature
I love to lay I love to stray in nature
I love to run and when i`m done in nature
I go back home and think of all the fun I had
In nature

Monday, January 11, 2016

Image result for old wanted poster real
All of the kids always talk about how when they grow up they want to be a gun slinger or a bounty hunter not many kids grow up to be such a thing but when your dads name is Dead Eye Drake and your Mom gives birth to you on horseback riding away from a posy of apaches well the legend must go on. I never asked to be a cold blooded murdering bounty hunter but I’d choose that over a preacher any day. Having a Winchester or a revolver pressed against your temple is a horrible way to go but that’s my job and hey ever man that I put in a body bag buys quite a bit of whiskey. People look and whisper when I walk through town there scared of me (and for good reasons to) they grab their children and close up shop but I don’t want to be worshiped all I want is to be paid.
“Russ! Russel! Quit writing in your diary and come join us for a drink!”
“It ain’t a diary randy it’s a journal!”
“What’s the difference what matters is that you’re not over by the fire having a drink with the guys”
“I’ll be there in a sec”
“Fine more whiskey for us!”
Image result for wild west canyonsImage result for old sawed off shotgun in action
                I guess I should tell you the where’s the who’s and the how’s. Well at first it was just me my horse speedy and old faithful (a double barrel shot gun). I was 17 when I collected my first bounty, I was planning to go into the woods so shoot some coons for small money when I overheard the sheriff talking to a gunslinger about a wanted bandit named Cut Throat Crenshaw Coon and his two sons Cody Coon and Calvin Coon held up in a cave just past Coper Mountain Mine. The bandits had just stolen two horses and slit the rancher who owned the horses ear to ear. Well id told my father id be going coon hunting so I’m technically not lying. I wanted to get there before anybody else so I high tailed it out of town. Coper Mountain Mine is a 30 minute ride and I got there in 16 minutes now you know why they call him speedy. When I got close to the cave I hitched speedy to a tree branch and loaded old faithful I crept up to the entrance and I could hear whooping and hollering and I could smell something like ten month old meat left out in the sun. But I need to get closer now I know what you’re thinking how someone can just become a killer in a matter in seconds well I grew up in a town called the Noose. My pa and I used to go to hangings like it was a town fair so after a while I got used to the fact that those people were Murderers and thieves and they deserve to be punished. Back to the story I needed to get closer because old faithful isn’t any good if you aren’t within 15 feet of the sucker. So I ran to the entrance of the cave and that’s when I saw it. It was a damsel in distress all tied up and slowly cooking over a bon fire then I saw the poor farmer or what was left of him they weren’t after the horses they were after the people I suppose I should have listened to the sheriff a bit longer. I couldn’t let them cook this girl so I yelled as loud as I could and the 3 cannibals grabbed their guns put the girl on the ground and ran out of the cave but I was waiting for them I pumped the first one with lead so fast he couldn’t even yell then the second one saw me and tried to raise his gun but I already had a bead on him two cannibals down one to go. The third one ran out which I’m guessing was Crenshaw I pointed the barrel and his head and CLICK CLICK CLICK! How stupid am! I it’s a double barrel he gave me a sick grin and holstered his gun and got out a gruesome 20” long blood soaked blade. I tried baking up but a tree was blocking my path he started to chuckle and I saw eight uneven teeth in his blackened mouth he put the blade to my ear and and said
“This is gonna be fun”

In a demented tone then his smile went away replaced by a look of terror and then I saw a curved knife was sticking out of his gut he tried gasping for air but he fell and what replaced his sad excuse for a human being was a 6’3” African American with ripped arms and hands the size of catchers mitts he had a blue bandana wrapped around his head no shirt on a woodsman ax and a hunting bow if he hadn’t have saved me id of thought he had come wring my neck. Then he grabbed me by my arm pits and I thought I was a goner but he gave a warm chuckle and put me on my feet I thought about running away but the man just saved my life so I stood there and managed to muster up the words
“Who… where…why I mean I… umm thanks”
like thunder he replied “to answer my name is Rudolph but you can call me randy to answer the where I was picking berries nearby when I heard gun shots and to the why because not all white folk re bad and you looked like you could use some assistance oh and your welcome”
I was speechless he walked me back to speedy and gave him some berries then he wanted to know if I were heading back to Noose I told him I lived there and asked if he had a horse he said he liked to run and he told me to keep speedy at a steady jog so that we could talk. On the way home I told him all about how I overheard the sheriff talking to a bounty hunter about the bandits and the stolen horses and how I rode down there. Then it hit me the girl we left her behind I felt like such an idiot.
“Uh randy I accidentally may have left something behind” I said to him in a quiet voice
“And what would that be kid” He replied chuckling a little
“Umm A girl” I said even quitter
“HAHA is that so” he retorted
“Yeah I’m not kidding I’m being serious” I whimpered
“Oh uh well we should go back then” He finally said after seeing how serious I was

                We got the girl and speedy wasn’t too happy to have another person on his back the bad news she was an orphan but the good news was that she fainted after seeing the mess me and randy made so we didn’t have to listen to her cry the whole time. Randy told me all about his adventures I was so perplexed by all the things had done that I must have lost my way in the pass because the next time I looked up I was staring at a canyon entrance. I thought about turning around since I never seen this canyon before but I also thought that it could be a short cut so I went in not even telling randy (who was new to this area) that we might be lost. About 10 minutes of walking me and randy heard a yell but we soon forgot about it and kept talking then another and another then it hit me those yelps and screams were from Indians the canyon was on Indian territory. Just my luck what an adventure id just had and those these darn Indians are going to come and kill us well I won’t stand for it. I reached into my saddle bag and whipped out two shells for old faithful right as the Indians started showering arrows down on us randy was picking them of he was a wonderful shot meanwhile I was trying my best to keep the horse calm. Finally I got speedy to start moving when randy jumped on speedy’s back I was almost positive he would collapse but he stayed strong and started to run arrows were everywhere every now and the id hear an arrow whiz past my ear or an Indian yelp but we were more or less safe. The Indians were a small problem compared to the heat of the west and there wasn’t a lick of water it didn’t take long for me to start dozing of all I wanted to do was just take a little nap. We walked endlessly through the canyon then night started to come and if you’ve ever spent the night in the desert you would know it gets frigid and we had no blankets or kindling just rocks and dirt.

 I’m laying there huddled up against a small boulder when the girl finally woke up she started to cry and complain I couldn’t take it so I tried my best to go back to sleep but it took me a while to finally doze off. When I awoke randy was standing over me with a hand full of mushrooms he kept ranting on about his spirit animal. I didn’t understand him. The girl was nowhere in sight so I asked randy where she might be but he kept trying to catch his shadow so I left him to it to go find some food before we headed out I was walking along the wall when I found a shell casing it was still silver no rust or wear and tear it was fairly new. I ran back to randy and tried to talk to him but all I wanted to do was stare at my palm so I went back to investigate. I went further into the canyon when I found a rope and climbing gear still attached to the cliff and curiosity got the best of me so I climbed, my hands were on fire and I was sweating like a mad man but I had to go on I finally got to a ledge where I could rest I was still worried about the Indians and their whereabouts but I had to keep climbing this could be the only way out of this cursed canyon. When I got to the top it was a horror show at least 20 dead Indians but only three dead white folks as I got near the first white man I realized it wasn’t a man but a women and this woman was my mother.
Image result for dead indians and cowboys
 I fell to my knees trying to hold back tears but they forced themselves out of my eyes it was all my fault if I hadn’t of been such an idiot and gone to the cave my mother would still be alive. Then he gasped in horror his pa he had been the other white body he couldn’t take it he crumbled to the ground and curled in a ball they had died looking for me i was responsible for their deaths. The third body meant nothing to him after his parent’s bodies but he identified it as the kidnaped girl she must have been the one who put the ropes up the side of the canyon. Now I laid there for who knows how long but when I mustered up the strength to stand I walked back to randy eyes puffy and red with his mother’s necklace in his hand (randy had finally stopped acting weird). Randy suggested they go to Noose but he didn’t know where they were so the walked the canyon till they found a small town where they regained their strength and whit’s. They collected the bounty for the men they had slain and used the money for ammo and guns.  Ever since then I walked the west with randy collecting bounties. Well now you know my story so if you don’t mind I’ll be having a drink.